Before you start skateboarding you need to know which foot you will use to push the board and which one will be the leading foot that will stay on the deck.
If the rider uses his/her right foot as the leading foot then he is said to be riding ‘Goofy, ‘ or if their leading foot is left foot then he/she is supposed to ride ‘Regular’ and if a rider is usually ‘goofy’ but rides in ‘regular’ stance and vice versa then they are meant to riding in ‘switch.’
Many beginners get stuck while getting to know their Skating stance and ask questions like:
How to know my skateboarding stance? ,
How to stand on a skateboard? ,
How can I determine whether am I regular or goofy?
I am right-handed what would be my leading foot?
Here is the answer, Most people get stuck to this because they think that if they mostly work with their left hand then their leading foot would be left or if they are right-handed they think their front foot would be right. But the truth is that being goofy or regular does not depend upon the hand which you mostly use while working or picking up something or writing.
We guarantee after reading this complete article and Practicing what we are gonna teach you, you will Find out Whether you are goofy or regular.
Here we go:
Determine your skateboarding Stance:
Tug of War
Yes! Tug of War can help you out finding your skating stance. Find a good friend and a rope and hold it tightly from one end and another end to your friend. Then count 3,2,1 and Start pulling the rope.
Now, see which is your front foot, that should be your leading foot while riding.
- Do it a couple of times.
- Change your foot position each time.
- Find which position is more comfortable.
- Once you feel that in this position you feel more powerful see and remember your front foot.
- A more comfortable position decides how you have to stand on the skateboard.
The Slide
This can be the easiest way to find out whether you are Regular or Goofy. All you have to do is just stand on a smooth and slippery ground and start running, Now stop immediately so that you take a slide.
Your dominant foot would be the leading foot while riding.
- Try it a couple of times.
- Don’t try it on a rough surface.
- A better balancing position provides the right leading foot.
Kicking football
Place a football on the ground, and target a goal. Then try to hit hard to the goal. Or you can hold the ball in your both hands then drop it on the ground and hit it hard towards the goal. The foot which you use to kick the ball probably would be your dominant foot.
You can also place the ball in open ground and try to kick as far as you can. Do this one by one with both your legs. The foot which kicks the ball further probably would be your dominant foot.
So these were some of the techniques that you can use to find your dominant foot while skateboarding. There are many other techniques which can help you find out your stance(goofy/regular), Just try these techniques and find out more by yourselt. All the techniques explained here can definitely help you find your skateboarding stance. Try it Now
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